

1. I have some scanned files. How can I use the Assignment for grading them?
2. Students submitted zip files to an Assignment. How can I use the Assignment PDF editor to grade them?
3. How can I randomly allocate submissions to different graders
4. Can I begin grading before all students have submitted?
5. What is Marking workflow?

I have some scanned files. How can I use the Assignment for grading them?
  1. Create a new assignment
  2. In section Submission types, enable Bulk upload (experimental) and File submissions
  3. Go to the View/Grade all submissions page and select Download all submissions from the Grading action menu
  4. Unzip, copy each of your files to the relevant directory, and zip
  5. Still on the View/Grade all submissions page, select Upload all submission files in a zip from the Grading action menu and upload the zip file

Students submitted zip files to an Assignment. How can I use the Assignment PDF editor to grade them?
One cannot use the Assignment PDF editor to grade files included in a zip. The files should be submitted individually.
However, if necessary one can extract and grade the files as follows:
  1. Go to the View/Grade all submissions page and select Download all submissions from the Grading action
  2. Unzip the downloaded file. Let's call this the old hierarchy
  3. Follow steps 1 to 3 of the previous question. Let's call this the new Assignment
  4. Unzip the file downloaded in step 3. Let's call this the new hierarchy
  5. For each of the students' zip files in the old hierarchy, unzip it into the relevant directory of the new hierarchy
  6. Zip the new hierarchy
  7. Still on the View/Grade all submissions page of the new Assignment, select Upload all submission files in a zip from the Grading action menu and upload the the file just created

How can I randomly allocate submissions to different graders
  • If students submit individually:
    Supposing there are N graders
    • Create N groups and a grouping, as described in recipe How do I randomly assign students to groups?.
    • Now go to the Assignment
    • Click on Edit settings in the Administration block
    • Click on Common module settings
    • Set the Group mode to either Separate groups or Visible groups
    • Set the Grouping to the grouping you created when creating the groups. Save
    • Either:
      • Simply tell each grader which group to grade or, better still, add each grader to a group. See here
      • The grader must take care to select the correct group from the groups menu (below the Grading action menu).
        Note: If you have added the grader to a group, the group will be in section My groups of the menu
      Or use Marking workflow as follows:
      • Click on Edit settings
      • Click on Grade
      • Set Use marking workflow, and then Use marking allocation, both to Yes. Save.
      • Click on View/grade all submissions in the Administration block
      • Select one of the groups from the groups menu
      • Click on the checkbox just above the table to select all students
      • Select Set allocated marker from the With selected... menu and click on Go.
      • Select one of the graders in the Allocated Marker menu and save.
        The grader will see only submissions in his group.

  • If students can submit individually or in groups
    • In section Grade of the Assignment settings, enable both Use marking workflow and Use marking allocation
    • On the View/Grade all submissions page:
      • Select Submitted from the Filter menu.
      • Check Team leaders only.
      • To allocate some submissions to particular grader:
        • Select the submissions
        • Select Set allocated marker from the With selected users and their team members... menu and click on button Go
        • Select one of the graders from the Allocated marker window
    Now, instruct graders:
    • On the View/Grade all submissions page:
      • Select Submitted from the Filter menu.
      • Check Team leaders only.
      • Select their own name from the Marker filter menu
      • Begin grading by clicking on the top Grade button
      • Work through all the submissions using the Save and show next button
See also FAQ question 17. Can multiple graders work offline simultaneously?
and What is Marking workflow and Marking allocation? in the Assignment miniguide

Can I begin grading before all students have submitted?
If Require students to click the submit button is enabled, you can of course begin grading as soon as students have submitted.
Otherwise, there is a chance that a student will change his submission after you have begun grading it.
The grading date will then precede the submission date but this is not immediately obvious.
Note: If a student submits after his submission has been graded, then in Moodle2 (but not in Moodle4 here at HUJI) any comments and annotations will vanish - even if they have been saved
(Comments and annotations are saved as draft even if you navigate away from a student's grade page without saving.)

If a Cut-off date is set, you can safely begin grading after it.
Note: You can allow students to declare before the Cut-off date that they will re-submit after it. See How can I allow students to submit after the Cutoff date?
Such submissions are clearly indicated and you can safely begin grading all other submissions.

What is Marking workflow?
Under construction...
See Moodle documentation for further information on Marking workflow