FAQ for teachers

Can a Database entry be targeted to a particular user?

If field Enable Target users in section Entries of the Database Settings is set to Yes, a new field type, Target user, becomes available.
The Target user field is a menu of all users with a particular role (as chosen in the field's settings).

If Enable Target users is set, the Database has a little extra magic, as follows:

  • Besides the user who created an entry, only the user selected in a Target user field, and users with the secondary role of Can manage target users, can view the entry.
  • Approving an entry does not enable any other users to view it. (It simply marks it as Approved.)
  • The search form at the top of the List entries tab is a little different:
    • For users with capability of Can manage target users, it includes a menu for each of the Target user fields. The options are the currently 'targeted' users.
    • It includes an Approved field
    • It incoroporates various aesthetic improvements
  • The templates are a little different:
    • The default List template and Single template include the name and official picture of the user who created the entry.
    • The Advanced search template form cannot include any Target user fields or an Approved field
    • By default, entries that have not been approved are shown on a pink background. (This is just a bugfix.)i
The Target user field type is a HUJI feature.
The option to include an Approved field in the Advanced search template (for databases in which Enable Target users is disabled), and an Official picture in the List template and Single template, are both also HUJI features.
