

1. How can I not shuffle the first question?
2. How can I allow a choice of questions to answer
3. How can I know which questions students have already answered?

See also the Quiz miniguide and EXAM Moodle cookbook

How can I not shuffle the first question?
One can put the first question in a separate section.
However, that necessitates it being on a separate page.

To ensure that it appears on the same page as all the other questions, one can Chain it as follows:
  • On the Edit quiz page (or Edit exam page in EXAM Moodle):
  • Click on button Select multiple items
  • Click on the checkbox of the first item
  • Click on button Chain selected
    Symbol mahara_host indicates that the question is now chained
For further information on Chained questions see here

How can I allow a choice of questions to answer
Use the Max questions to grade and/or Keep the highest options as follows:
Go to the Edit quiz page (or Edit exam in EXAM Moodle).
In Max questions to grade, enter a number less than the total number of questions - not including Description questions
In the Keep the highest field, enter a number less than the number in the Max questions to grade field or, if not set, less than the total number of questions in the quiz - again not including Description questions
(Any attempt to enter an illegal number will be ignored.)
For example:
  If Max questions to grade is set to 5, then only the first five questions that the student answered will be graded.
  Thus if he answered six questions, the 6th question (in the order of questions in his attempt) will be disqualified
  If Max questions to grade is not set, but Keep the highest is set to 5, he can answer any number of questions but only the five with the highest grade will be considered.
Obviously both these options only make sense if the questions are all worth the same number of points.
If you change the value of one of these options, and there already are attempts, don't forget to Regrade.
Note: If the quiz is divided into sections, the options are available for each section.

How can I know which questions students have already answered?
In the Grades page, before an attempt has been submitted, there is a hyphen in the box for an attempt/question only if a response has as been saved or autosaved.
Otherwise the box in blank.