EXAM Moodle

1. How do I use EXAM Moodle for Assignments?

How do I use EXAM Moodle for Assignments?
  1. Go to your course in EXAM Moodle
  2. Click on Turn editing on
  3. Click on Add Assignment
  4. Enter a value in field Name, set Active exam to Yes, and set an Opening time and Time limit. Save.
  5. Click on button Edit exam
  6. Enter at least the Question text. Save
After students have taken the exam:
  1. Go back to the exam and click on button Prepare attempts for grading
  2. Wait for the notification (on a yellow background) that the attempts were exported successfully
  3. Click on button Grade attempts and proceed to grade, as for a usual Assignment
After you have finished grading:
  1. Go back to the exam and click on button Save grades
  2. Click on Edit settings and set Release grades to students to Yes. Save
Students can now click on link מבחנים משוחררים לצפייה on the frontpage of EXAM Moodle to view feedback and grades.

For more information, see the EXAM Moodle Miniguide