The course describes remote sensing methods for monitoring and modeling biophysical processes related to the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, such as: evapo-transpiration, carbon fluxes, and soil water dynamics, in agricultural and natural vegetation systems. The course implements mathematical and physical calculations as well as practical exercises in Phyton. The subjects learned in the course are: (a) The theoretical basis in which we’ll learn the principles of radiation (electromagnetic radiation, black body, energy balance, and radiative transfer), EOS (Earth Observation Systems), sensors (active/passive sensors), and vegetation indices (spectral and thermal); (b) Quantitative methods, which include the main remote-sensing methods used for estimating water and carbon fluxes in vegetation systems (biophysical and empirical methods); and (c) Remote sensing of soil, which will be focused on methods that assess soil properties (e.g. by hyper-spectral sensing), as well as soil water content dynamics (e.g. by SAR – Synthetic-Aperture Radar).