Master FAQ

A compendium of questions from the Top10 FAQ, the FAQ for teachers, the Mini guides and the Cookbook

Top10 FAQ
1. Where have all My courses gone?
2. Where has the block gone?
3. Why is the block empty?
4. Why can't Students access the course?
5. Why does Moodle want me to enrol?
6. How can I change my name and/or email address?
7. How do I authenticate?
8. What Moodles are there at HUJI?
9. Why has Moodle changed color?
10. I have a problem. Who should I contact?

FAQ for teachers
1. How do I assign a role?
2. How do I login to Moodle?
3. Which editor should I use - Atto or TinyMCE
4. Why is there no toolbar in the IE11 text editor?
5. Where is the Moodle2 Files area?
6. How do I ensure that English displays correctly when viewed in Hebrew mode? (and vice versa)
7. Can students submit Assignments in groups?
8. Why can't I change a particular grade in some activity?
9. Is there any difference between roles Teacher and  TA?
10. When can I begin checking an assignment?
11. How do I avoid HTML tags in Gradebook Quick feedback and Assignment Feedback comments
12. Why can't a student post to a forum?
13. A student must fix his assignment. Should I Revert the submission to draftor Allow another attempt?
14. How can I test my course?
15. Should I use the Calculated or Calculated simple  question type?
16. Can I set Assignment  and Quiz dates by group?
17. Can multiple graders work offline simultaneously?
18. How can a student make private contact with the teacher/s?
19. Can graders be prevented from seeing names of students?
20. Is there an alternative PDF editor for the Assignment?
21. Where do I configure Guest access and Self enrolment?
22. Why can't a student submit a file to an assignment?
23. What is limited by the Maximum upload size in the course settings?
24. Can a Student be a TA or Grader or edit the course?
25. Is there an autosave feature?
26. Is there an alternative to the Embedded answers (Cloze) and Combined question types?
27. Can attendance be taken automatically?
28. Can I combine the best of the Assignment and the Workshop?
29. Can a question take a negative grade?
30. Can a Database entry be targeted to a particular user?

Access miniguide
1. Who can access my course?
2. How do I make my course available?
3. Who is a Student in the course?
4. Is Guest access allowed?
5. Can I prevent guests accessing a particular section or item?
6. Can I restrict access to a section or item in other ways?

Roles miniguide
1. What roles can I assign?
2. What is the difference between an Enrolled user (aka Participant) and an Other user (aka Assigned user or Hidden user)?
3. What is the difference between Teacher, TA and Coordinator?
4. What is the X-ray eyes role?
5. What are the Restricted and Very restricted roles?
6. What is the difference between a Guest and a Visitor?
7. What is the Utitity user role?
8. Is there any difference between a Grader with the secondary role of Editing and a Teacher?
9. What are Enrolment methods?
10. Does it make any difference whether a user's Enrolment method is Self, Manual or Auto?
11. So what is the Enrolment method of Guest access?
12. What role information is taken from the Shnaton and Minhal Talmidim?
13. I'm trying to assign a role. Why do I get No users match?

Assignment miniguide
1. What is the difference between Due date and Cut-off date?
2. Can a student change his submission?
3. How can I allow students to submit after the Cut-off date?
4. What is the Late penalty?
5. What is the difference between Submission comments and Online text?
6. How best should students communicate with graders?
7. The task is offline. Shouldn't I just use the Gradebook?
8. How can I hide feedback and grades until all submissions are graded?
9. Can I prevent students seeing which grader graded their submissions?
10. Can multiple graders work offline simultaneously?
11. What is Marking workflow and Marking allocation?
12. Can graders be prevented from seeing names of students?
13. What is Blind marking?
14. How can I decide who is notified when Notify graders about submissions or Notify graders about late submissions is set?
15. What are submission attempts?
16. What are Marking guides and Rubrics?
17. How can Students submit in groups?
18. I find the PDF editor difficult to use. Is there an alternative?
19. How can I speed up...?
     ...Launch PDF editor...?
     ...Upload multiple feedback files in a zip?
20. How can I quickly set grades depending only on whether students submitted?
21. What is the difference between User overrides and Grant extension?

Forum miniguide
1. What is the News forum?
2. What is subscription?
3. Who can read or post to a forum?
4. What is Read tracking?
5. Can one post anonymously?
6. What types of forum are available?
7. Can one restrict a discussion to members of just one group?
8. Can one check for new posts and unread posts at a glance?
9. How does one find...?
10. What other options are there in the regular forum?
11. What other options are there in ForumNg?

Gradebook miniguide
1. What is grade Aggregation?
2. What is grade Calculation?
3. When should I use grade Calculation rather than Aggregation?
4. Where can I find examples of grade Calculation?
5. Where do I configure a category's Aggregation or Calculation?
6. Why should I use grade categories?
7. In most courses there is more than one Moed. Is there a simple solution?
8. Is there any difference between an empty grade and a grade of zero?
9. How can one exempt a student from a grade item?
10. What is Extra credit?
11. What are Scales?
12. What are Letters?
13. Can I use a letter for just some of the grades?
14. Can I simply mark an item e.g. as Pass or Fail?
15. How can I...?
     ...Move a grade item or category?
     ...Edit grades?
     ...Narrow the Grader report?
16. What is on page...?
     ...Grader report?
     ...Grade history?
     ...Overview report?
     ...Single view?
     ...User report?
     ...Gradebook setup?
     ...Course grade settings?
     ...Preferences: Grader report?
17. Why...
     ...are some grades highlighted in yellow
     ...can I no longer change a student's grade in some activity?
     ...can I no longer change a student's grade in both the activity and the Gradebook
     ...can a student not see his grade?
18. How do I...?
     ...enter a grade?
     ...enter feedback?
     ...override a grade?
     ...unoverride a grade?
     ...hide a grade?
     ...exclude a grade?
     ...lock a grade?
19. How do I import grades?

EXAM Moodle miniguide
1. What is EXAM Moodle?
2. How is EXAM Moodle different to regular Moodle?
3. What is meant by exam?
4. What is meant by current time and location?
5. What is exam review?
6. How is the EXAM Moodle Quiz settings different?
7. How is the EXAM Moodle Edit quiz page different?
8. How are the EXAM Moodle Group override and User override pages different?
9. How is the EXAM Moodle Results page different?
10. How are EXAM Moodle Statistics different?
11. How is the EXAM Moodle Review page different?
12. How are EXAM Moodle roles different to HUJI Moodle roles?
13. How is the EXAM Moodle quiz attempt different?
14. How are the Extension roles assigned?
15. What is a BYOD exam?
16. What is SEB?
17. How do I require students to use SEB
18. What is SEB with HUJI configuration?
19. Does requiring SEB with HUJI configuration provide sufficient security for BYOD exams?
20. How can one ensure that students do not take a BYOD exam some place else?
21. How can I prevent students allowing a remote agent to control their laptops?
22. What if some students will be taking the exam on workstations and others on their own laptops?
23. Why can't a student do his exam?
24. What if a student has more than one exam?
25. What if Max questions to grade is set and an Essay question was unintentionally answered?

General recipes
1. How do I allow guests to access my course?
2. My course is currently unavailable. How can I let a particular student access it?

Users and Groups recipes
1. How can I create a Group?
2. How can I pair students randomly?
3. How can I provide different e.g. Questionnaires?

Gradebook recipes
1. How do I submit Pass/Fail grades to GR?

HUJI Moodle is a service of the System group of the School of Computer Science & Engineering
Configuration, development, management and documentation by Chana Slutzkin

Last modified: Thursday, 8 August 2019, 13:28