Moodle Guides in English

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How Do I Grade Assignments?

There are two options for grading assignments in Moodle. These options correspond to various situations. The first option is suitable for all types of files, while the second is suitable only for PDF files. We will review them briefly here.

Accessing submitted assignments

Each time you begin to grade assignments, the submissions screen opens directly from the Grades button located on the task’s main screen. You can also click on the button Display/ Grade submissions, and then click on the Grades button on the row corresponding to the students whose assignment you wish to grade:

The First Way - Downloading the Submission File

This method allows you to download the submissions one by one, review and grade them on your PC, mark comments on the file if necessary, and upload the files back to Moodle. When uploading the file back to Moodle, you will write the grade that it has earned and you can add written feedback.

How Do I Do That?

  1. To download the file, click on its name on the submission screen
  2. Write the grade in the box provided
  3. Under the grade box, there is a larger box designed for insertion of verbal feedback
  4. Under the written feedback there is a region into which it is possible to drag the checked file
  5. Do not forget to save your changes before proceeding to the next student

A Second Way - Grading a PDF in Moodle

If there are files that are submitted as a PDF, you can check them directly from Moodle, without having to download them to your PC. Access to the submissions is as previously described, only this time a display will open up for you on the side of the screen, with the submitted file. You can use the toolbar above to write notes and other markings on file.

How Do I Do That?

  1. If the file does not appear immediately, press on the middle button among the three buttons at the bottom right of the screen
  2. Above the file view, you can use various tools to mark the file, such as marking a checkmark, highlighting text and attaching a comment
  3. When you are done checking the assignment, write a grade in the box provided on the left
  4. If you need, you can add written feedback in the box underneath the grade
  5. Under the feedback box, there is a dragging area to which you can upload a file if needed
  6. Do not forget to save your changes on the button on the bottom before you proceed to the next student

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Best of Luck!