Moodle Guides in English

What is an Assignment?

The Assignment activity is the online version of the physical submissions box for course assignments - in the same way that e-mail has replaced regular mail. Using the assignment activity concentrates the students' submissions, the grading process, and returning the graded papers to students. The assignment activity can be used for a weekly exercise assignment, seminar papers or any other file that the students are required to submit. This activity has a variety of advanced features (not covered as part of this brief guide) that are able to address complex and varied needs. We recommend that you become familiar with all of these features further on in order to optimize your use of Assignment.

How do I Create an Assignment?

  1. Enter editing mode on the course site
  2. Add a Assignment activity
  3. Give the assignment a name, and write the assignment guidelines
  4. You can also attach a file with questions/directions
  5. Save the settings and the assignment has been created

Defining the Assignment Settings

The assignment activity includes a variety of settings that can be set. These settings help to accurately reflect the administrative aspects associated with it. The main aspects are:

  1. Availability – the time period during which students can submit the assignment
  2. Type of response - for example, how many files do students need to submit? Is there a limit on the types of files submitted?
  3. Type of feedback – Does it include also online comments on PDF files? Does it Include returned file?

Viewing Submissions

After you have created the assignment and the students have submitted their files, you can view submissions and grade them, on the grades and submissions screen. This screen is constructed as a table, on which each row is a student, and the columns show the details of the submission (student information, date and filing status, the feedback given etc...). This screen can also handle grading of assignments, deleting submissions, or providing an extension of time

You should know that there are many other options for use of the Assignment feature that meet nearly every possible need.
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Best of Luck!