Mini guides


1. Who can access my course?
2. How do I make my course available?
3. Who is a Student in the course?
4. Is Guest access allowed?
5. Can I prevent guests accessing a particular section or item?
6. Can I restrict access to a section or item in other ways?

Note: Much of the material in this page is unique to HUJI Moodle, including:
  1. Enrolment method of Auto for Teachers and TA listed in the Shnaton and students registered through Minhal Talmidim
  2. Automatic change of Manual or Self Enrolment methods to Auto
  3. Automatic unenrolment on End date of Self enrolment
  4. Options to limit Guest access to authenticated users, and to a period of time
  5. The Warning block:
    • To privileged users, it provides full details of whether Guest access and Self enrolment are currently allowed and, if they are, with what restrictions.
    • To self-enrolled students, it warns when they will be automatically unenrolled
    • To guests, it warns when Guest access will be closed
  6. Option to restrict access to a section or item to Authenticated users (aka HUJI users) or Enrolled users
Note: For CSE courses, replace HUJI user with CSE user everywhere below. See Tools for CSE courses

Who can access my course?
Initially, only Teachers and TAs listed in the Shnaton can access the course.
(A user is considered a TA if he is listed as teaching only a Targil.)
(Of course, also Coordinators - of all of HUJI Moodle or just the faculty or chug - can access the course.)
Students will be able to access the course when it is made available.
One can assign other users a role. See FAQ question How do I assign a role?

How do I make my course available?
Users with a role of Student or Visitor (or guests, if Guest access is allowed) will not be able to access the course until it is made available.
Make it available by changing its Availability to This course is available (in the course Settings).

Who is a Student in the course?
Any user registered through Minhal Talmidim is automatically enrolled as a Student in the course (with a delay of a day or two). His Enrolment method is Auto.
A Teacher, TA or Coordinator can enrol a Student. His Enrolment method will be Manual.

By default, any HUJI user can enrol himself during the first four weeks of the semester. His Enrolment method will be Self.
If at the end of four weeks, if he is still not registered through Minhal Talimidim, he will automatically be unenrolled.
This can be changed under Course administration / Users / Enrolment methods / Self enrolment (Student).
Amongst other things, one can:
  • Disable self-enrolment (field Allow new enrolments)
  • Effectively unenrol all students who self-enrolled (field Allow existing enrolments)
  • Change the period of time that self-enrolment is allowed (fields Start date and End date)
    Note: The End date is also the date on which self-enrolled students are automatically unenrolled
  • Require a password to self-enrol (field Enrolment key)
The Users / Enrolled users page shows the Enrolment method (Auto, Self or Manual).
A Student whose Enrolment method is Manual or Self is marked with a red or green asterisk, respectively, in the Participants page, and the Assignment and Quiz report pages.
Note: If a user is later registered through Minhal Talmidim, his Enrolment method will automatically be changed to Auto.

Is Guest access allowed?
By default, any authenticated user (aka HUJI user) can access your course, as a guest, during the first four weeks of the semester.
This can be changed under Course administration / Users / Enrolment methods / Guest access.
One can:
  • Disable Guest access entirely
  • Allow access even to unauthenticated users (aka The world)
  • Change the period of time that access is allowed
  • Require a password to gain access
Note: We request web crawlers (e.g. Google) not to visit the course page or any forum page. They may nevertheless somehow find their way to other items in the course.

Can I prevent guests accessing a particular section or item?
In section Guest access of the Settings of the section, activity or resource, set the value of field Restrict access to to HUJI users only or Enrolled users only.
Of course, this will have no effect if Guest access to the course is in any case restricted to HUJI users only, or is not allowed, respectively.

Can I restrict access to a section or item in other ways?
In section Restrict access of the Settings of a section, resource or activity, one can restrict access to
  • Students who have completed (or not completed) some other activity (if Completion tracking is enabled in the course Settings.
    Note: Each type of activity has its own selection of criteria that can be used to define completion.)
  • Students who have exceeded (or not exceeded) a particular grade in some item or category of the Gradebook
  • A period of time
  • Students who belong to a particular Group, or a Group within a particular Grouping
  • Particular students.
  • A combination of the above