Tools for CSE courses

Processing by Bodek

The PDF generated by Bodek includes a chapter for each of the following types of file in the archive:
javatext/x-java, or text/* with suffix .java
pythontext/x-python, or text/* with suffix .py
shell scriptstext/x-shellscript
csstext/css, or text/* with suffix .css
javascripttext/javascript, or text/* with suffix .js
c++text/x-c++, or text/* with suffix .cpp
ctext/x-c, or text/* with suffix .c
texttext/plain and text/* named README or with suffix .txt
imageimage/png, image/jpeg, image/gif or image/tiff
Code is highlighted - where applicable.
The files are followed by the output of the automatic tests (if any). See Automatic tests.
The Student is notified if the PDF file cannot be generated, or if there was any problem generating it.
Note: Any PDF file included in the archive is displayed 'as is', i.e. without chapter header and page-numbering (except for any in the PDF itself). Links may not work properly. If too big, it will be scaled down.