

1. How do I allow guests to access my course?

How do I allow guests to access my course?
By default, during the first four weeks of the semester, any authenticated user (i.e. everyone in HUJI) can access your course.
You can change this period of time, disable guest access entirely or enable it also for unauthenticated users (i.e. open your course to the world), and/or set a guest password, as follows:
  • In the Administration block, under Course administration, click on Users
  • Click on Enrolment methods
  • Click on Guest access
  • Modify any of the fields and click on Save changes
See FAQ question Where do I configure Guest access and Self enrolment?

Note: Guest access to a CSE course is limited to CSE users (unless the course is open to the world).
The value of Use CSE authentication in the course settings determines whether the course is recognized as a CSE course.
See Tools for CSE courses.

HUJI Moodle is a service of the System group of the School of Computer Science & Engineering
Configuration, development, management and documentation by Chana Slutzkin